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¿Qué es el marketing?

            Marketing is a concept, as many others, that constantly changes and adapts to its surroundings. Nowadays, it is defined as the set of methods and technics destined to understand and to attend to the needs and wishes of the consumers. Marketing studies the needs and principal components for businesses’ progress.

             The word Marketing derives from the English word Market. This is because the Marketing object of study is the markets. More specific the study of the objectives, causes, and results produced through the contact between companies and markets.

             The fundamental mission of Marketing is to create, communicate, deliver, and to exchange offers with value to all the stakeholders and to the market itself. There are many different Marketing strategies but, all of them relate to the company processes. This means that when defining a Marketing strategy it is needed to have in account processes such as production, commercialization, or even after-sales.

             Philip Kotler is considered to be one of the best experts in the Marketing world. He defines Marketing as the process used to study the products or services that can induce interest in the consumer; as the strategies used not only in sales but in communication and business development. According to Kotler, this is a social process in which every individual or social group creates a request according to their need and wishes.

             Every marketing strategy starts with the four P’s, considered to be the pillars of the area. They are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. The Product refers to what does the company sells. It can be a product like a pharmaceutical pill or a service as headhunting. The second P of Marketing is the Price. The third P refers to where are you located. Not only physical location but, especially nowadays, the virtual location. Lastly, the fourth and last P is Promotion. This one will answer how will you get better. Better in every way, in terms of sales, of getting your brand more known, or other goals that you establish.